about me


My writing has appeared in national print and online outlets. I am currently pursuing my MFA in creative nonfiction at The Bennington Writers’ Seminars where I am drafting a memoir about gender. I am a certified life-coach trained by Coaches Training Institute, and a certified Life Cycle Celebrant. My first book, Writing Your Wedding Ceremony, is available on Amazon.

Before all that, I was a product manager at Excite.com, one of the early search engines, where among other things I met my spouse and learned that yes, you all do really love your horoscopes—of all the links I tracked on the homepage, the link to horoscopes always fell in the top three. This little stat still cheers me up and reminds me that most of us are a lot more than who we show the world we are. I am a life long advocate for gender equity and the Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe where I researched my college thesis is a pin point on the planet that delights me to this day.



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